8 Wastes of Lean Workshops

You wouldn’t skip a regular car service - but when was the last time you looked under the hood of your business?

If it’s been a while, it might be time for a tune-up

Looking for ways to boost your business efficiency and profitability?

In today's fast-paced and competitive business environment, competitive organisations are those constantly looking for ways to improve their operations, increase productivity, and enhance customer satisfaction. One effective way to achieve these goals is by reducing waste in the business (and no, we don’t mean taking out the bin!).

The 8 Wastes of Lean framework is a proven methodology for identifying and eliminating non-value-adding activities that can negatively impact business performance.

Our 8 Wastes of Lean workshops are designed to create a space for business leaders and their team to step back and work on the business. In our full or half-day session we’ll work through a structured framework to identify waste across all areas of the business and help you to prioritise improvements that will lead to improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, and increased profitability.

What could your workshop look like?

  • Our workshops typically run for 3 hours, onsite at your place of business.

  • We recommend including at least one representative of each of the key areas in your business at a minimum eg finance, administration, management, and delivery.

  • After the workshop, we’ll provide a n action list of potential improvement projects and help you to prioritise those.

  • Any additional projects that you might like our assistance with after the session will be proposed separately.

When you’re busy running your business and focused on getting through the work, it’s easy to get caught in a trap of doing what you’ve always done - so waste and inefficiency can pile up quickly.

When one of our clients was looking for ways to improve profitability and the efficiency of their chargeable staff, we introduced them to the 8 Wastes of Lean framework to help them identify waste across the entire business.

Across a series of leadership and full team workshops we helped the client to brainstorm improvement opportunities, and prioritise / implement a actions that would reduce costs across the business.

“It was fantastic to work with Steve at acumin.io and run the 8 Wastes of Lean workshops with leadership and then again with our entire team. Everyone got involved in identifying waste and coming up with solutions - we’ve already implemented a number of improvements and the team are approaching their tasks with new mindset. The impact on profitability and recoverability of our chargeable staff has been clearly noticeable.”

Kristy Gilvear

Gilvear Planning

During an 8 Wastes of Lean workshop you will:

  • Identify the eight different types of waste that can occur in business processes;

  • Explore the value of various processes within your business, we’ll take a look at your processes critically to identify what’s really adding value or what is creating potential waste in your business;

  • Uncover a framework you can use to create a culture of continuous improvement in your own business, and engage everyone in your team in that.

Ready to reduce waste and create a culture of continuous improvement?

Contact us using the details below to learn more or complete the form and we’ll get in touch with you soon.

+610439 631 662