7 steps to switch off (properly) before your next holiday

Between emails, text messages, chat apps, social media, and the odd phone call - it’s harder than ever to “switch off” from the day to day, which is why it is more important than ever to put the effort in to properly disconnect before you head off on your next holiday. Taking a proper break from work can help reduce stress and prevent burnout, allowing you to properly restore your mental and physical energy and return to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

So while you may be feeling the pinch to push through your task list before you head off on your next holiday, make sure you schedule in time to tick off these 7 tips to truly take a break and return with a clear mind and renewed focus.

7 Steps to switch off from work before a holiday

  1. Make a plan for the days leading up to your holiday. This can include writing out your to-do list, organizing and delegating tasks, setting aside time to tie up loose ends, and setting clear boundaries with your colleagues about when you will be away. Even as a business owner it’s important you take time to fully recharge, so this first step is vital to helping you create and maintain boundaries with yourself as well as your team and clients.

  2. Communicate with key clients, suppliers, and contacts. Send an email or newsletter update to key clients to let them know when you’ll be away, who they can contact in your absence, and what to do in the event of a (real) emergency.

  3. Tailor a text auto-reply. If you use text to communicate with key contacts, you can set up automated message replies to groups or specific contacts in your phone. There are a growing number of apps available to reply to messages on your behalf - one we’ve come across recently is SMS Auto Reply which lets you set the message, days, times, and contacts to send auto replies to. Alternativley, set up a note on your phone with a response you can quickly copy & paste.

  4. Filter out the junk. To save yourself from coming back to an overflowing inbox full of spam that you have to filter through on your first day, set up an email rule to redirect anything with the words “Subscribe”, “Opt-Out”, or “Communication Preferences” to a Subscriptions sub folder. On your first day back, your primary inbox should be relatively free from clutter, and you can finish the day with a quick skim your sub folder, sorting by sender to check for anything of interest.

  5. Plan and Prepare. Make sure to take some time to plan and prepare for your return to work after your holiday. This can include setting aside time to catch up on emails and tasks, organizing your work space, and setting clear goals and priorities for the coming weeks.

  6. Turn off notifications. To prevent work from spilling into your personal time and allow you to fully switch off and enjoy your holiday, take the time to turn off phone/desktop notifications and badges on all work-related apps. iPhones make this easy for you to do in bulk through Settings>Notifications, where you can run through your list of all applications and update notifications from a central location. You might even consider disconnecting from your devices altogether during your holiday to avoid the temptation to check in with work and allow you to fully relax and recharge.

  7. Spice up your Out Of Office. Once you’re ready to head off, set your Out Of Office (OOO) to let people know when you’ll be back. A well-written and engaging out of office response can help set the right tone with your colleagues and clients. Consider spicing up your usual response with personalisation (where you’re going for example) or a touch of humour that lets your personality shine through. Doing so can help you maintain good relationships with your colleagues and clients, manage expectations, and have a little fun while you are away from the office.

When we are always connected to work and unable to fully disconnect, it can be easy for work to take over our lives and leave little time for other important aspects of our such as family, friends, and personal hobbies and interests. Constant connection can lead to burnout, and make it difficult to fully engage and concentrate when we are at work. Taking a proper break, even as a business owner, will ensure you return from your holiday with a clear mind and renewed focus, allowing you to be more productive, creative, and efficient.

What do you do to help you switch off from work while you’re away?


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